Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Scott Brown is not your naked, filibustering saviour

What happens when the guy elected to filibuster votes for cloture?

In the final weeks of the campaign to fill Ted Kennedy's senate seat, money poured in to Scott Brown's campaign from all over the country. Now after just one vote that is not lockstep with the GOP, angry conservatives from coast to coast have overtaken Scott Brown's facebook fan page demanding refunds for campaign contributions, calling names and getting all kinds of ugly.

Remember the words of Tip O'Neill "All politics is local". You may have helped to elect Scott Brown, but you didn't vote for him.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Where were they for the last 10 years?

In regards to the Tea Party, Palin wrote in an opinion published on Wednesday in USA Today: "Some have tried to portray this movement as a commercial endeavor rather than the grassroots uprising that it is. Those who do so don't understand the frustration everyday Americans feel when they see their government mortgaging their children's future with reckless spending."

Where were they during the last decade? Clinton ended the 90s with a budget surplus that lasted for a couple years. Bush saw this as an opportunity to cut taxes on the rich and wage a non-essential war that The Project for the New American Century had been lobbying for since 1996. And let’s not forget totally taking the teeth out of the S.E.C. and deregulating Wall Street. Those three “reckless spending” actions – massive tax cut, Iraq war, Wall Street deregulations – are the reasons for America’s decline and why our children’s future have been mortgaged.

Why did they sleep for the last 10 years and suddenly wake up now?

How many are the same militia types who hated Clinton?