Friday, December 19, 2008

Hey dude. Where's my bailout?

Seriously. How is it that "We the People" are sitting around with our heads in the sand while our form of Government and Financial System die a natural death, are killed or commit suicide as we whistle in the dark? Everyone, or nearly everyone sits transfixed on the Dow Jones daily and ride the emotional roller coaster that we hate to love but love none the less in a sadistic way. I heard an analyst say "Everyone seems to know minute by minute what the market is doing and yet no one has a clue what is going on in their own accounts!"

Folks. We all are so caught up in our social causes because we somehow feel that we can make a difference if we yell loudly enough about why our kids can't sing Christmas Carols in public school or why we can't "marry" our same sex partner! The structure of our Government and Financial System are crumbling around us and we either don't know it or are just so caught up in our social causes that we don't care! We need to start treating our social causes like hobbies or extra curricular activities and begin to get really serious about righting this ship!

I mean it. Has anyone actually called their Senator or Congressman? Faxed them? Emailed them? I have, though it has been proven to me that as far as my Congressman goes, my opinion doesn't count (in fact if he really does represent the views of his constituents, I may well be living in Cuba). But we have to at least pay attention to what is going on in our Government and let our voice be heard. Be a pain in the ass to your Senator and Congressman!

The bail out thing is really so totally messed up! Did you know that if you took all the bail out money so far doled out and gave it equally to every individual man, woman and child in America, each and everyone, EVERY individual person, no matter how old or young would receive $265,657.00! What if they actually distributed the money in a "stimulus" package like that, but made parameters on how it could be spent? Paying your mortgage. Buying vehicles (extra credit for American made cars). Paying credit card debt. Travel to American destinations for vacation. Invest in retirement accounts. Insurance. Increase the list as you like... Would this not put everyone on a level playing field? Would the less fortunate not be given the break that they need?

Why can't the Government come up with a plan where the PEOPLE benefit from these bail outs? Why? Because the people can't be TRUSTED. THE PEOPLE CAN'T BE TRUSTED? But in what bizzaro world are financial institutions and car company executives trustworthy?!?! The Government could easily give the money to the people, in the form of a debit card that has restrictions on how the money is spent (for obvious reasons). I mean that's exactly how food stamps are used these days and how FEMA cards are regulated after a natural disaster! It's not as if we don't know how to do these things. Would the entire system not benefit if we could get the money in our hands?!?!?

I have had it!!! Does ANYONE care?

Why can't they just take the money that the Government is giving to the Big 3 automakers (against even congress's will and therefore the people's I may add) and give each American family money or a voucher that the must used to buy an American car? Would each of us buying an American car of our choice not keep those businesses afloat? Come off it! Is there an original idea out there that will help us all?

When are we going to take our Government back?

It is supposed to be a Government "Of the people, by the people and for the people". Right? RIGHT! Because to complete that statement... if WE THE PEOPLE don't do something soon... it will most certainly... "Perish from the Earth".

Please read the following... it is awesome!

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