Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The case of the missing blogger... solved.

My co-blogger called me out recently regarding my lack of blog posts. I had at one point begun to write a blog entry and realized that my once freely wagging tongue and proudly conservative wielded pen were suddenly strangely restrained. What was this block? What was it keeping me from lashing out in an impassioned plea? I was suddenly struck by the impending danger that might come from stating a differing opinion than the Obamanical sheeple who would hate and discredit anyone who dares present a differing thought than the one that is poured out of the West Wing through the mouths of talking heads on the alphabet networks (and the MSNBC, CNBC, BONBC...) like Koolaide at a Jim Jones, People's Temple, Last Dance party.
Yes. I get it and fully understand, it was really tough for the Left during the previous 8 years, I'm mean, the torture chambers and rape rooms of Fairfax Virginia and Bakersfield California were filled by the verbal detractors of the regime, plucked from their homes by W's secret police, even as they sat and watched Kathy Griffin on Bravo!
Please, even with W in office, God forbid you actually showed the man support, for fear that your car would be keyed. Not only was it okay to openly hate the man and his administration but it was really in vogue! Being "Anti-Bush" certainly didn't make you "edgy" or "different", it really made you "boring" and "typical". Every comedy show was focused on making fun of the President. Every Hollywood actor with a mouth, used it to spout their diatribe. Music. Whatever the artistic media. It was all the same! What if the tables were turned? Would you being willing to die for the Right's right to speak freely, the same way that they were for you?
Fast forward to today. Four months into the Presidency of Barack Obama and just you try to raise a voice of opposition. First DHS has actually printed the parameters of a watch list and a description of "Radicals" to watch out for... guess what... according to the definition... I am certain to make that list... mostly based on the fact that I have openly spoken out in opposition to the policies or at least the ideas and vision of the current administration. Say how you believe, out in the open and expect for the hate to come quickly and without relent. People who have been friends, family. Raise your voice even slightly with a questioning tone and watch them fall away, in support of the Motherland. Sound familiar? Otherwise, normal Germans who sold their neighbors, friends and family to the Reich and sent them to their imminent end in support of the Motherland. There would be NO political detractors. And as a blind follower of the man of much charisma, it was their feeling, as it had been taught to them, that anyone who didn't support him, 100%, was worthy of your hate and therefore, if they were taken away on a freight train, in the middle of the night, and never returned... "well, thank God they're gone," now we can get on undisturbed with our orgy of personality worship!
Look, I don't know if I plan on continuing to write, but I do know that I hate being hated. I hate having people judge me, without them ever knowing the love I have in my heart. My greatest desire has always been to bring an alternate opinion and hopefully sway a few opinions. I would like to write here again but understand this, I never made fun of your opinion, I never spit on you or your kids, I never wrote retort to make you look like a fool but unfortunately, the favor is not returned and never has been nor will it be. Just know. You are not "super different" or "really super intellectual" or "very deep"... your jet black hair, and pierced lip and nose only prove you to be a follower... never a leader, never different and unique, only mundane, normal and boring. Maybe I will write again after all... I feel better!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Adios, Texas

See that Join or Die flag over there? Yeah, I put that up before these teabagging morons co-opted the image. I put it up because it is pro-Union, and because its by Ben Franklin, the ultimate politician and statesman. I picked that image because its the perfect symbol for this blog, where Andy and Sandy can engage in spirited debate from the extremes of Conservatism and Liberalism without being vulgar, without hating, without lumping each other into a nameless, faceless mass of other. We both love our country, we just have different views and I want to understand his and have him try to understand mine. In a lot of places, that's not allowed but this is America where all things are possible.

Maybe its the "mainstream media" who is brainwashing me, but what are the Teabaggers supposed to be accomplishing? So 95% of the country just got a tax cut and they are protesting the inevitable tax increase? They are protesting the Stimulus Package which is supposed to create more jobs? So they are using the pro-Union image of Join or Die to promote secession from the Union? These people would do better to figure out what they want and what they represent. Right now I just see an extension of the hate, fear and bitterness that Palin liked to tap into during the election.

In the meantime, don't tread on my revolution. The Boston Tea Party was about taxation without representation and as a Boston girl I'm very proud of the role my state played in organizing this Union. The Teabaggers are just whining cause their candidates lost. If you don't like your representation put your focus on some decent candidates for the next cycle.

And please, if Texas wants to leave the Union let's give it back to Mexico.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

AIG "Retention" Bonuses

"It makes no difference who you vote for - the two parties are really one party representing four percent of the people" - Gore Vidal

And the sense of entitlement of that four percent, is truly mind boggling. No shame, no honor, no sense of right and wrong. These are the people AIG is retaining?
When did they turn the corner on this stance?

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Fear this

Oh no! Don't pass that stimulus package it's too terrifying. Almost as terrifying as the 3 TRILLION dollars that Iraq cost.

I feel pretty solid about blaming Bush for putting this country in the shitter. And no, I'm not afraid of some action in Washington, particularly if it doesn't involve our soldiers losing their lives.

Dear Andy, I would love to disagree but...

I don't understand your Let's stop agreeing already post- what do those numbers represent? Dollars? Deaths? Your point isn't clear to me.

Also, I sort of had it in the back of my head to avoid this one topic with you, because you clearly are pro-life for very personal, religious reasons. For me, in my personal life and experience, I appreciate I that I have the choice to be...pro-life.

However, I respect that there is a separation of church and state, that not everyone holds my same views and that they should have the right to choose what happens to their own bodies. This was not founded as a christian nation, this is a place of religious and personal freedom and I don't believe in limiting rights according to any one faith's ideals.

If you can guarantee me that there will be no more rape and incest, maybe I would change my mind. Until then I remain... pro-choice. And don't get crazy and start calling me pro-abortion, nobody is happy about it.

Let the shitstorm begin...

President Feelgood...

Now that you have wiped your tears from your proud eyes America, can you please take a look at the ruse you have bought into? Listen. No question, we are in a world of hurt in America... who is to blame? Who cares? Bush? A Democratic Party contoled congress? Let's be fair here. Everyone is at fault when we look to the government! But I really urge you all Right. Left. Middle. The sound coming out of Washington is FEAR! Our future is at stake and we can't allow this government to threaten us into morgaging our children's future for special interest and programs that don't have any thing to do with directly helping to energize the economy!
"President warns that failure to act on package now exceeding $920 billion could plunge the nation into a long-lasting recession that might prove irreversible." (foxnews.com)
This is a direct THREAT!
This is just the tip of the iceberg folks! Are we going to just sit back and be extored for the next four years? IT IS EXTORTION!!! How different is it from, "You're gonna give Guido the Nose 50% of your profit or your gonna be wearing concrete shoes at the bottom of the river..."? Can we please get reasonable and see what is going on for what it is?

Friday, January 23, 2009

Let's stop agreeing already!

So... so far we agree. While I hate government being involved (i.e. caseworkers) in people's finances, obviously, the private sector has done a less than splendid job themselves. So, maybe something new is in order there...
Now. Here is a statement that may be offensive. And frankly, I don't put it out there in ignorance... I had the abortionists blood on my hands too but please consider this:

Aborted fetus number:

Cure for cancer

Cure for Alzheimer's

Inventor of simple and inexpensive alternative fuel

Cure for HIV/AIDS

Cure for common cold

Inventor of teleportation

Cure for paralysis

Inventor of gravitational protection field to protect vehicles from collision

World leader bringing liberation, independence, autonomy and peace between each

80,000,000 Coming this week...

How much was that "little problem" worth?

Friday, January 16, 2009

Are you there Obama? It's me Sandy.

I have to apologize to Andy for being in blogging hibernation this winter. Now that 2009 is here and on track I can get down to the serious business of refuting Andy's crazy idea... wait a minute. I agree with his first two posts. I think gays should be allowed civil unions and I definitely feel less strongly about gay marriage in the religious sense, but mostly because most religions (the biggies anyway) don't condone their gayness anyway. As long as they are considered next of kin by law, I think that would cover most issues.

I have also been going over in my head why this bailout money was given to the banks and corporations and not directly to the people a la FEMA cards. Here is a very rough sketch of how it might work:

1. You set up the Federal Emergency Homeower Assistance program (FEHA).
2. Establish some guidelines for qualifications eg, you are in Foreclosure, you have lost your job, or lost your spouse in Iraq etc
3. Homeowners apply for a fixed rate loan at 5%, almost like a refinance situation and are approved or denied. Then government cuts the bank a check, takes over your mortgage at the current market value of your home.
4. You pay your mortgage back to the government over the next 15-40 years.

I'm sure there are some major gaping holes in this plan, but I think it solves two issues: the banks get paid, and the people who are in trouble with adjustable rate mortgages are given a more reasonable option of paying market value at a fixed rate. Additionally, the homeowner is required to complete a course on financial responsibility, or case workers can be assigned to assist them in staying on track.

Assuming all goes well and the homeowner pays the government back at that interest rate, we'd double the money initially lent to the individual. If even given these circumstances, the homeowner defaults on the government loan, they would then act as any bank would - foreclose and resell.

I still think with this model there is accountibility for the funds and it would have cost less than just handing over $350b to banks.