Thursday, February 5, 2009

Fear this

Oh no! Don't pass that stimulus package it's too terrifying. Almost as terrifying as the 3 TRILLION dollars that Iraq cost.

I feel pretty solid about blaming Bush for putting this country in the shitter. And no, I'm not afraid of some action in Washington, particularly if it doesn't involve our soldiers losing their lives.

Dear Andy, I would love to disagree but...

I don't understand your Let's stop agreeing already post- what do those numbers represent? Dollars? Deaths? Your point isn't clear to me.

Also, I sort of had it in the back of my head to avoid this one topic with you, because you clearly are pro-life for very personal, religious reasons. For me, in my personal life and experience, I appreciate I that I have the choice to

However, I respect that there is a separation of church and state, that not everyone holds my same views and that they should have the right to choose what happens to their own bodies. This was not founded as a christian nation, this is a place of religious and personal freedom and I don't believe in limiting rights according to any one faith's ideals.

If you can guarantee me that there will be no more rape and incest, maybe I would change my mind. Until then I remain... pro-choice. And don't get crazy and start calling me pro-abortion, nobody is happy about it.

Let the shitstorm begin...

President Feelgood...

Now that you have wiped your tears from your proud eyes America, can you please take a look at the ruse you have bought into? Listen. No question, we are in a world of hurt in America... who is to blame? Who cares? Bush? A Democratic Party contoled congress? Let's be fair here. Everyone is at fault when we look to the government! But I really urge you all Right. Left. Middle. The sound coming out of Washington is FEAR! Our future is at stake and we can't allow this government to threaten us into morgaging our children's future for special interest and programs that don't have any thing to do with directly helping to energize the economy!
"President warns that failure to act on package now exceeding $920 billion could plunge the nation into a long-lasting recession that might prove irreversible." (
This is a direct THREAT!
This is just the tip of the iceberg folks! Are we going to just sit back and be extored for the next four years? IT IS EXTORTION!!! How different is it from, "You're gonna give Guido the Nose 50% of your profit or your gonna be wearing concrete shoes at the bottom of the river..."? Can we please get reasonable and see what is going on for what it is?